WG5 – Dissemination

WG Description

The WG5 will prepare yearly dissemination and exploitation plans with the purposes of:

  • boosting engineering, industrial and scientific research on BESs by sharing knowledge with scientific research communities and programming shared research programs;
  • promoting private investments, levering on the innovative outputs of the Action and appealing emerging market;
  • increasing biotechnology acceptance and spreading, networking between citizens, communities, academics, governments, integrating biotechnology and energy harvesting techniques in the urban texture, evaluating correct city planning

The production of materials and Open Educational Resources (OER) concern:

  • Production of different types of content (scientific articles, handbooks, panels for parks, brochures, videos and other dissemination materials on the specific themes of the project and their framing in sustainable urbanization horizons); local dissemination, through specific appointments and projects (activities with schools, public debates, conferences, meetings, summer/winter PhD schools, etc.). Synergy and organization of shared events with pre-existing scientific conferences and symposia.
  • An easy-to-use handbook (D17) for educational programs available on-line, merging all the scientific and historical aspects related to the protection and rehabilitation of environments and the correct city planning process as well as multimedia contents.
  • Publication of pamphlets on the project and implementation of a dedicated website (D19) and a YouTube channel. It will be established with updates on progress and with information about the project and its background. This website will attract wider attention and will be used to announce events and to disseminate results of high value to potential beneficiaries. This will include overall information about the project, the participants and their respective roles in the project, and specific information that requires regular updating, such as published scientific results, papers, conference presentations, as well as presentations to the general public in the form of public lectures, courses, seminars, radio and television appearances featuring the work, news clippings, film clips, etc.
  • MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and social media strategy diffusion (Research Gate, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube…)

WG Members

WG Leader: Prof Rachel AMSTRONG

Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent – Rachel.armstrong@kuleuven.be

Member Contacts
Prof Angela BARTHES
Université d’Aix-Marseill
Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb
Universidad de Burgos
Israel Smart cities Institute
Prof Kay-Uwe SCHOBER
Mainz University of Applied Sciences

National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA

University of Surrey
Prof Rachel AMSTRONG
Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
Prof Rolf HUGHES
Dr Veronika VALK-SISKA
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications